Over a century of combined experience: We deliver solutions everyday
From our heavy duty, durable finish coated grid drains, which lasts longer than conventional chrome plated finishes, to our A.D.A. compliant seamless insulated ProWrap® P-Trap products – McGuire is the professional’s choice for commercial plumbing fixture trim.
If you are in need of a customized product, you can trust McGuire. Many of our specialty designed products listed below were developed as solutions to a customer’s request.
- SANIGUARD® Treated Products Inorganic anti-microbial product protection
- ProWrap® ADA P-Trap, Drain and Supply Covers
- Convertible™ Ball Valves all heavy brass quarter-turn stops and supplies
- ProDrain® Patented fixture strainer less overflow
- Vandal Trap™ Vandal Resistant P-Traps
- HD Heavy Duty Finish Drains UniqueHigh luster finish that lasts longer